About OITS

Most people who think they saw a ‘U.F.O.’, did not. Instead they saw satellites, space stations, planets, comets, meteors, balloons, spycrafts, drones, advanced military hardware, among other identifiable objects. Yet, throughout history, there are credible witnesses who have witnessed incredible, unexplainable objects in the sky.

Even with that, it does not necessarily mean they are ‘extraterrestrials’ or lights and objects controlled by aliens. Perhaps they are undiscovered interdimensional, terrestrial and/or extraterrestrial objects, tears in the fabric of space time or any number of phenomenon.

As the consumers of what other people report they’ve experienced, we also have to remember that people do see things they genuinely believe was a ‘UFO’ – or otherwise Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) – but in fact was not.

And increasingly in the social media culture, there are hundreds of hoaxes and fakes created and distributed. That only increases confusion and disabelief of credible sightings reports.

The fact that governments have covered up the UFO/UAP controversy for decades is nothing new. But the reality that governments worldwide have been publicly disclosing the existence of UFOs/UAPs, even the United States Pentagon, has been truly epoch-making.

Within the instutions of mainstream science, these incredible public admissions by governments worldwide has caused considerable consternation. For many years, mainstream science at worst called ufologists, nut jobs, and at best, scientists in name only.

Now, they are eating their cynicism. But in what world could they have expected a decade ago, or many decades ago, that the U.S. policy of the United States of America, as of 2017, is that UFOs/UAPs not only exist, but they have video, witnesses and radar data to support it.

Still, let’s be honest, it is unlikely that the U.S. government suddenly changed its official position on UFOs since the Roswell crash in 1947 voluntarily in the interest of public disclosure.

Rather, the public-roll-out, if you will, started when a reporter for The New York Times was handed some verified classified documents from a government insider Luis Alzonso. Such an insider that Alzonso used to head-up the official, but classified (and black-budget), Defense Dept. office, XXXXXXXX of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon.

The contentious issue now within the mainstream scientific community is whether they are just some phenomenon we don’t yet understand, or that they are in fact physical objects controlled by extraterrestrials from other planets or even possibly other dimensions.

Whatever the case, the U.S. government cares less what the scientific community thinks, and much more about what the public and its allies think.