The citizen is key to acquire a better understanding of the UFO phenomenon. Afterall, citizens are most responsible for society gaining information on this phenomenon throughout history. Therefore, it will be the citizen – from everyday eyewitnesses and pilots to whistleblowers and leakers – that helps keep the pressure on government, and the press, to disclose the truth to the American public. This is necessary due to decades of cover-up around the phenomenon- not to mention the disinformation and propaganda campaigns. Citizen eyewitnesses have been ridiculed. l needs to be as responsible, and reliable, to further this understanding. Sadly, there will always be hoaxers, but it’s easier nowadays to filter them out.
I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on Earth.” President Harry S. Truman, 1953
- The Anonymous Interview - Jeremy Corbell Interview
- Nick Pope claims UFO investigations were halted due to ‘demonic forces’ - Daily Caller
- I testified before Congress on UFOs. What I said was tip of the iceberg - Newsweek
- Read David Grusch's 'earth-shattering' comments to Congress - Newsweek
- Another UFO Boss to Break Silence in Major Book Deal: “The Process of Disclosure Has Begun” - Hollywood Reporter
- Former Top Pentagon UFO Investigator: I've Handled 'Alleged Alien Implants Found In Humans' - BroBible
- 'We are not alone': See UFO expert and New York Times best-seller at Nixa's Aetos Center - News-Leader
- The Tic Tac UFO: What You’re Not Being Told
- Interesting (Authentic?) UFO Document That Supports the Thesis of Mike’s Novel, The Facade
- No – I’m Not Working For, or At, AREA-51
- Space News and Information - Tripod
- Conspiracy Theories - TIME
- UFOs, ETs, Area 51, Roswell - GoodReads Comments
A multi-billion dollar global industry, the UFO culture has arisen, and thrived, over many decades, starting mostly in the 1950s. From films and toys to conventions and inventions, the UFO/ET culture has largely been more of a collective joke than anything else. Perhaps that has been on purpose. more ufo culture →
- The Secret KGB UFO Files (1998) - IMDB
- Alien Highway Documentary - Discovery+
- Cosmic Disclosure - Gaia
- UFO series - Hulu
- Watch UFOs: Investigating the Unknown - National Geographic
- The UFO movie: Examining the criticisms - Psychology Today
- Alien Intervention - New Message