UFO & The Feds
The history of the UFO and ET subjects regarding U.S. federal agencies (i.e., CIA, FBI, NSA, etc.) is frought with cover-up; secrecy; lies; half-truths; misinformation; mainstream media conclusion; compartmentalization and competing narratives (sprinkled with bits of truth), in addition to propaganda; retribution; intimidation; harassment; threats; contempt; ignorance and humiliation aimed at its own employees and the public. The few who know most of the pieces of the whole puzzle on UFOs/ETs are deep state, well-paid, well-protected unpatriotic sociopaths who operate in the shadows of American government.
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HumansBeFree – ETS & UFOS
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Some of the many ways that governments hide, and confuse, the truth about UFOs and aliens from the public include compartmentalization, propaganda, counter-intelligence, jargon, ridicule, intimidation and even threats and retributions. The following are official U.S. government agency web pages (and attitudes) on the UFO/UAP mystery. Notice the methods:
FedScoop – UFOs
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Reddit – Disclosure
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