UFO Evidence

Most scientists never look at UFO evidence, which leads to their conclusion that there is no evidence.” – Bernard Haisch
For nearly 80 years, ordinary citizens, who’ve reported incredible UFO encounters, have led the movement to lift the secrecy and inform the rest of the public of what they experienced. For many, it changed their lives, and not always in good ways. Decades of an intensive and long-running propaganda campaign by government institutions to negatively portray citizens who report UFO encounters has been extremely effective, until more recently. And yet, even with our government finally admitting some aspects of the phenomenon are real, the stigma of ridicule, and questioning a witness’ sanity, still prevails in our larger culture, government and media .
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‘UFO’ sightings have been on the increase worldwide for the past few years unlike any time in the history of UFOs. That said, anywhere between 90-95% of sightings are explainable. Yet that 5%-10% is key to investigating and better understanding the UFO phenomenon.  ufo sightings page →