UFO Research

It is my conclusion that UFOs do exist, are very real, and are spaceships from another or more than one solar system.”Adm. R. Hillenkoetter 1st Director of the CIA, 1960
Harvard professor Avi Loeb is considered one of the world’s foremost academic researchers into the UFO phenomenon. Photo: Futurism

UFO Science

The scientific community has long struggled with the UFO/ET phenomenon. Now, the issue is beginning to lose some of its stigma and ridicule among serious scientist. Go to the UFO Science page.
UFO Academia

The scientific community has long struggled with the UFO/ET phenomenon. Now, the issue is beginning to lose some of its stigma and ridicule among serious scientist. Go to the UFO Academia page.
UFO History

The scientific community has long struggled with the UFO/ET phenomenon. Now, the issue is beginning to lose some of its stigma and ridicule among serious scientist. Go to the UFO History page.
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I do believe UFOs exist and that the truly unexplained ones are from some other technically advanced civilization.” Astronaut Gordon Cooper, November 27, 1978
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The phenomenon of UFOs does exist, and it must be treated seriously.” Mikhail Gorbachev, May 4, 1990
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“We modern humans tend to interpret ancient texts with our current knowledge. But could it be that these ancient cultures were describing visitors from other planets?”Erich von Daniken
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